7/24 -Thursday: 1130 hours- Presently becalmed, no wind at all! Did my chores this morning. Made water and cleaned house. The compass housing leaks so my silk sheet got wet. Saw more whales today. Last night at midnight I heard a rumbling sound through my earplugs and I woke up to what I thought was a Navy ship turned out to be the Coast Guard. They made one pass at one hundred yards with the searchlight and then came back to me at fifty feet away.We had a conversation, everthing cool. They thought I was a kayak. I mentioned to them that they were broadside to windward of me and I did not like it, being hove to. I invited them for leftovers, they chuckled. I should have asked for a female officer. "Hey here comes a breathe of wind." It is cloudy, so it is still cool. Came upon a seagull sitting on a seaweed floatsom. Got a good photo of him. REWIND- Back at Cat Harbor, I ran into an outboard mechanic named "Beaver." He got his name from doing his speciality, shaving beavers and he knew his stuff well. As with many good sailors, mechanics, construction workers, etc. that I have met through my adventures, he now drinks too much and is looking worn. He was cool though and I had a good time answering the many good questions that he asked about Da Slipper II. Hugh at "Hawaiian Proline", my gear sponsor, also has asked me some very good questions. Can still hear all of the bombs.2100 hours- The winds finally came at 1400 hours from the WNW. It is slowly clocking around and will end at NE. Did laundry today, plus my first shower. Had a small plane circle by me, I waved, and then kept sailing. I did not want them to think I was in distress. It is very loud here in the cabin. The carbon fiber rails and kevlar hull vibrate like a drum. I wear earplugs at night while I sleep. I am done for the day. Was in the saddle for 12 hours. Saw a Navy and a Coast Guard helicopter circle above me and then they took off. Made some decent headway today. Soon beating into the wind will stop and I will be able to go with the wind. The stove works pretty good and it really warms up this cabin. Going to be a loud, rocky night. 32* 99 N, 119* 17 W Present location


This is the calm that Fisher experienced about 150 miles off San Diego, before the winds finally kicked in. . .3 days later (finally!) With fog all around him, Steve read the positive affirmations he wrote on the deck on his windsurfer, over and over and over and. . . . . . . . .

7/26- Saturday: 0930 hours Slept well. Getting into aroutine. The winds are light in the morning, so I do all my chores. MadeH2O, fully stocked. I keep a gallon always in case. I should be able tosurvive 10 days off of one gallon. Does not seem like alot , but it canbe done. The phosphorous plankton last night was awesome. All around DSII were tiny little glowing lights. Really cool! Winds look like they willbe out of the NW. Great.

7/27- 0745 hours Happy Birthday Joyce! 31*32N, 119*16W I know there is wind out there! Yesterday light winds. Sailed with thegennaker. Did Ok.. Last night sailed and the phosphorous was awesome. Almostlike sailing on flat water floating on a bed of turquoise light. Saw twofishing boats this morning, a turtle, and dolphins. There is a good swellfrom the NW, that means there is wind there. Please bring some here. Nowthere is 3-5 knots. Not enough. Cooking dinner now. Its 2100 hours. Hoveto in 5-10 knots. Wind is on its way. Swell is building. Can not wait tosurf down them. I know that it is going to take longer than a month andI do not think of it too much. 40 days is what Jesus did in the desert.So can I! 31*13N, 119*26W.

7/28- 0830 hours Nothing to see in my 7 mile circle. That is about all the further I can see from here. No wind again. Made water. I guess anyone that reads this is going to want to know what I think about while I am out here. Well,,, wind , beach, friends, dogs, TV, media, death, building a mtn. cabin, waves, bubbles on the water, why these birds I see flying around me never seem to eat, is that a start? I am sure there will be more before this is over. 2130 hours Wind came up and we made some time. It feels different. We should be getting some more consistant wind and it should start to come out of the NW. Really rocky tonight. Saw two turtles, no boats. It has been cloudy almost everyday. No sun at all. I yelled at the "no wind" which I call "Ethel". When I had 0 knots, she replied and gave me 10 knots tonight. No broken anything. I massage my feet, knees, and hands twice a day. On this point of sail, my legs get the most workout. When the winds become more from the N-NE, I will be able to sit in the Lazy-boy. That will be sweet. Time goes by fast when there is wind. Tried the radio, no luck.. I am in a no fly over plane zone. They have roads in the sky they keep to. Have not felt lonely, does not even seem like I have been gone 10 days- minus my 2 day layover on Catalina.

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